Thursday, December 3, 2009

Would mineral makeup help cover dark under eye circles?

I have pretty dark undereye circles and no concealer I've tried has succeeded in covering them up. I eat healthy, exercise, and get plenty of sleep so I think the dark circles are hereditary. I have really sensitive skin, so it gets red when I use the junk sold in regular stores. I was looking into mineral makeup so that I could still wear makeup and not have irritated skin. I've seen all the tv ads for Bare Minerals and Bare Escentuals, but they never say if the makeup would help conceal dark undereye circles. None of the models they put the stuff on ever have dark circles either. So if anyone has tried or uses these products, do you think they'd help cover up the dark circles or would I have to put some type of concealer on first? And do they really make your skin look that flawless? I'm always skeptical about stuff they sell on television. Thanks!Would mineral makeup help cover dark under eye circles?
Try a green colored concealer to cover reds. Then a light coat of base on top.Would mineral makeup help cover dark under eye circles?
mineral makeup has Excellent coverage.. u may do well getting a matching concealer or even yellow or purple (green is for redness), depending on how dark the circles are. then on top of that, use the mineral makeup. :)

try going to Sephora, they have Bare Esenctuals, i hear that is really good. and they will even put it on for you to try it !
I also have light skin and dark circles under my eyes and I swear by Bare Escentuals. I wear all their makeup and Bisque is the product I use for under eyes. When used with the coordinating brush it applies so good without tugging the delicate skin. I hated using concealor sticks because it was so hard to blend.
First off, I too have dark undereye circles. It is hereditary and there reallys is not much you can do to get rid of them. So, our only option is to cover them up.

My problem with most concealers is that they may cover up the dark spots, but they also settle into fine lines making them even more prominant! (I'm only 25!)

With that said, at the moment I do wear BareEscentuals/BareMinerals (same product), I use the concealer brush from their line and use it to apply my foundation on to my undereye. This does do a good job, but I am considering buy their multitasking bisque for this area since it is a bit of a lighter shade.

I do like the coverage of this make-up, and it usually does not make fine lines so apparent, but every no and then right after I apply the makeup it does make the fine lines apparent. But this usually settles through the day.

Another concealer that I would recommend is MAC's Select Cover-Up in Colour Correcting Peach. This is also a very good product. The peach tone balances out the darkness.

Most of all it is about you finding what works for you. If these is a Sephora store anywhere near you I would recommend going their and seeking their professional opinion.

Good luck!

One last thing, no makeup is going to end up looking flawless on anyone and to have those kinds of expectations will lead to disapointment. Besides 'flawless' skin is not reality. Look more into a makeup that will let you look natural.
In my experience with Neutrogena Mineral Sheers, using a small eyeshadow brush to control the powder lets me cover up dark patches under my eyes quite well. It's all about having the right tools for the right areas of your face.

And yes, I have adult acne and mineral foundations really do even your skin out and make it look remarkably healthy and smooth.
I recently began using mineral makeup and it really does help. I previously used liquid foundations and concealers to cover up my dark undereye circles. It would be fine for the first few hours of the day, but then the liquid foundation/concealers would fade or gather in the creases. It was really frustrating.

Then one of my friends told me I should try mineral makeup because it has really long lasting and complete coverage. (She uses Twisted Fayte). I investigated a bunch of different brands and settled on Everyday Minerals. The Sunlight Color Corrector concealer is amazing for undereye circles. It even takes away bags from under the eyes! It's slightly more spendy than drugstore concealer, (It's $8 for the concealer and $5 for the brush, but the brush is optional) but it is definetly worth. If you ar e interested in trying a mineral makeup, you can get a free sample kit from everyday minerals. You only have to pay for shipping. I think it is about $3 or $4 depending on where you live.
i use bare minerals make is THE BEST make up in the world.. i sell avon and i wouldnt change my bare minerals for anything, i will never go back to using regular make up ever again.....its a life time investment......i know they have a concealer for eye circles, but i dont know exactly if it works, because i have not tried it.......i think what you need is an eye cream, considering the fact that you have made changes in your diet and lifestyle and it still doesnt i suggest you use AVON'S Lighten Up Plus Undereye Treatment ...... i have clients that swear by it..... check it out on my website......
I own eyeshadow from this company I've wanted to try some to, but I love there eye shadow, I suffer from dark circles too. I know that there are lots of retail store that have this company in store and I bet you could sample it there to see if it would work. try the bare mineral's website they have a list of retail stores
Bare Minerals/Bare Escentuals (same company) makes a concealer called 'multi-tasking bisque' that will cover your circles. It will cover ANYTHING when properly used. I have disguised a fresh and growing zit with it for photos and had no trouble. It also contains spf benefits and is non-irritating on rosacea and other breakouts. You can get samples on EBay where they're only a dollar or so each to try it, so you don't have to pay 60 or 70 bucks up front. Good luck!
I've seen the commercials too and I'm almost positive that they work. I saw this girl with a terrible birthmark on her face and she used the bare minerals makeup and it covered it right up so I'm sure it will help you.
why use a cover up when u can reduces the appearance of dack circle i use Replenishing eye creme and love it, it works great not only on me but my husband too.

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